
These are the technologies I specialise in.

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Between 2004 and 2008 I worked almost exclusively with VB.NET, I was developing and maintaining an online advert booking and payment system for, as well as an ecommerce site

>> C#

For the last 10 years whenever the opportunity has arisen I have used C#. Creating new projects, apis, web or windows applications I have always chosen to work with C# as I find the structure and object oriented nature of C# supersedes VB.NET.

>> MVC and Webforms

I started using webforms 2004 and due to some long running projects didn’t get my hands on MVC till around 2010. However again like C# vs. VB I much prefer MVC over Webforms, MVC makes it very clear what part of a web page is client side and what is server side, where as webforms was Microsoft’s attempt at creating html pages resulting in the developer not having 100% control over the actual html output without a lot of hacking!

>> Classic ASP

Companies usually have a number of legacy systems, often only used by staff, such as internal networks and software, this has been my predominant exposure to Classic ASP. Building new output pages for sales figures, sales accounts, weekly targets etc. Out of choice I wouldn’t choose to build anything in ASP however I do have spent reasonable amount of time with it!

>> JQuery

I started using jQuery when I had the opportunity to work with MVC. It makes building client side logic much quicker than javaScript.


Ajax is a client-side script that communicates to and from a server/database without the need for a postback or a complete page refresh, meaning faster response for the website client.


Ajax is a client-side script that communicates to and from a server/database without the need for a postback or a complete page refresh, meaning faster response for the website client.

>> Bootstrap

Since the introduction of smart phones and the increase of internet usage on these devices bootstrap has dropped the developement time on websites for cross platform consistency and responsiveness.

>> Microsoft SQL Server

I have been building, editing and interrogating Sql Server databases for over 20 years, for everything from multi database company wide data structures to basic application based data sets.

>> SQL / T-SQL

I have been creating and editing Sql and T-Sql queries for over 20 years, for everything from multi database, dataset queries to complex accounting requests on Enterprise scale applications.

>> Entity Framework

Since Visual Studio 2013 I have been using Entity Framework to build, update and keep my applications and their connected databases integrated.


Linq is a great database interrogation language that can efficiently and securely be used to request information from a database.

I am an experienced software developer

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